| | ______ _____ _____ |\ _________ _____ |\ __________ / | / \\ \ | \ | | / \ | \ \ | / ___ | / _ \\ \ | || ____ | / _ \ | | \ __ | / / \| / / \ \\| \ | | \ \ \| / / \ \ | | \| | \| | | |/ / \ \| \| | \ \ |/ / \ \| | | |/| | | | \ \ / /| | \ \ \ \ / /| | || | | | \ \ / / | |\ | \ \ | \ \ / / | | /|| |\| | | \________\ |/ / | | \ |_____\ ||\_\ \___/__| |_/ || |__/|s \ \ | / / | \ || \ || |v \____________\|__/ /____| \___________||___\________________||______|x | S U P P O R T C A N B E F O U N D A T : The Fiend Club! - Alpha Flight WHQ - 714 734 2891 _____________________________________________ Written by: Ho-Wei Wong Please pass it around to friends and family. so you can help me support my family. Ha! just kidding, but any help will be great. And sorry for the poor grammar, I seem to have forgotten a lot of my English grammar. Hello People: Sorry it took me so long to mail this newsletter out, I have been very busy with the stores and finding new information about all copiers and games. I did type up a six page newsletter before, but my cheap computer broke down and eat everything I wrote. So it took me four weeks to find more time to write this. Sorry if it took me so long. I must clear something out first. first, I am really sorry about all the confusion about the special formatted disks. When I purchased these machines from Front Fareast, they did not tell me that there are two versions of SMC and SMD. One version is for export and one version is for Taiwan. The Taiwan version must use special formatted disks to copy and play games. I have told them many times that I am selling these to the States that I don't want the Taiwan version. They didn't listen, I guess they are just *ssholes. So from now on, I will stop selling all products made by Front Fareast, and please tell your friends not to buy anything from them either because they provide the worse service in this gaming industry, and since something much better is out (I will tell you all about it next) Front Fareast also seem to have become very cockeyed about everything, after many conferences with them, they ask me to pay them US$1200 for a program to formatted their special formatted disks. I don't think I am that stupid. People also wants to know how fast I can get stuff to them. If you wire the money into my account I should get the money in two days, and once I receive the money I will send the shipment out by air mail express. So this whole thing should take no longer than 1 1/2 week. Then you can sit home and enjoy all the games. Here is how to contact me and my account number. Ho-Wei Wong home: 011-886-2-7118278 fax: 011-886-2-5618584 Bank account: 01510128659 Bank name: The International Commercial Bank of China Chung Shan Branch Bank address: No. 15, Chung Shan North Road, Section 2 Taipei, Taiwan. R.O.C. I also provide the best guarantee for all products. Unlike Lawrence Chiu asking you to pay the shipping. I you buy the product from me and it's defective or you broke it. Mail it back to me, I will fix it for free and I will also give back the money you pay form mailing it to m. But this is only effective for one year. After that, I will ask you to pay for the cost. If you do not wish to spend $30-$50 to wire me the money. You can send me Traveler's Checks. It will take one week to arrive and once I receive the money, I will send the goods out to you. So the whole thing should take no longer than two weeks. Here is my address: Ho-Wei Wong 3rd floor, Number 35, Lane 19. Ta An Road, Section 1. Taipei, Taiwan. R.O.C. I carry all copiers, consoles, games and anything you want that is related with games. Computer boards, IC boards for video games. I can get them at the best price and send it to you in lighting speed. Street Fighter II for the Super Famicom is out on June 9th, 1992. I got a copy of this game on June 1. Because I know some people that works in the main Super Famicom importing store. The game was on sale in my store at US$90 each, I had 50 of them and they were gone in three hours. The price was raised three times in that three hours. The last SF II was on sale at US$120. Still, someone bought it. I think that is an outrageous price. I was able to copy the SF II game onto 3.5 disks and play it on copiers. MGD II or SMC 16Mbit will play this game without any problem. But to upgrade these machine is really high, I would really suggest you to buy SF II in the U.S. when it's out (very soon). The game is excellent and just like the real arcade, but I got bored with it really fast, because it is exactly the same, nothing new. Still a good game. If you wish to buy this game from me. It will cost US$100 and that includes shipping. Copiers: Super Magic Drive: Cost: (I would rather not sell this, but if you really want it, call or fax for price) The super magic drive can now work on super famicom or SNES, but the interface seems to have some problem with the SNES. It can be fixed only if I can get my hand on a SNES here. The interface costs US$120 each. The super magic drive can be upgraded to 16Mbit, but it needs a different DOS to copy any games that will be 16M in the near future. I will have this DOS when I get back to the States, I will also give it out for free. For the special formatted disks, there is some crap on track 81 of the disks from Front Fareast. If you can find a copy program that copy up to 81 or higher track, you should have no problem to make your own disks (a program like VGAcopy). And I am sorry for anyone who purchase super magic drive from me that needs special formatted disks. I will do my best to crack the code and ask my friend in the stores to write a program. Front Fareast really dick me over this time. Also there is nothing wrong with the 16Mbit upgrade for all copiers. Super Magicom: Cost: (I would rather not sell this either, but if you want it, call or fax for price) It can be upgraded to 16Mbit. It can copy street fighter II without any problem. Also needs a new DOS to copy 16M games, but I am giving it out for free when I get back to the States. Nothing else is new. I have over 120 SFC games on disk. If anyone wants it, you can send $6 for 8M, $5 for 4M and the name of the games you wish to copy. I will copy the games for you. Mega Disk Intercepter: Cost: $350 8M $430 16M I just find out that Mega Disk can read all different copiers disks, MGDII, SMD or SMC. But they are not selling this program to the public. I will try to get this for the American users, they seem to be a much better company than Front. Also in the near future (two month from now), they will not need a special save cart for saving RPG games. There will be a program for mega disk user to save the data on disks, instead on the save cart. One disk can save up to 15 different data. MGD II (Multi Game Doctor II) Cost: (vary from different configurations) From US$300-$800. The $800 package deal include all you need to copy MD or SFC games. Golden Finger II: Cost: $40 BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG news. In three month, the MGD II will be able to copy SNK (NEO GEO) games. News from the Makko INC. I talked with them today and it is true, they even show me the half finished product. It is an incredible machine. The cost is still unknown, but it should not cost that much. I also forgot to tell you all. I just signed a contract with Makko Inc. So I will be able to drop the price on MGD II really soon. So fax or call me today if you wish to buy a MGD II. The MGD II also has a 16M upgrade, but it's pretty ridiculous. First, you must purchase another doctor card and then you must purchase a different interface. This whole thing will cost almost $400. No need to spend all that money for a 16M upgrade. However, the MGD II provides the best quality for the games and the picture. A bit more expensive, but a very good investment. I do believe that in the future they will be coming out something even better. One more thing, starting July 1, MGD II will allow players to save game where and when ever you want. You can play your game in progress later in the exact spot where you left off. How can I explain this...It's like pause the game, shut it off. Turn on it later and it will be on the same spot again. Only the MGD II will be able to do this. The all new Multi Game Hunter (MGH) Cost: Only $475 including shipping and Street Fighter II. Made by the same company that makes the MGD II, so the quality is assured. Extremely popular in Taiwan now. I am holding all orders for the U.S. buyers. Only 20 of them are on sale right now. Call or fax today for your orders. I will get some more next month. This machine will come with two interfaces to copy both SFC or MD games. 16M included, it can copy all games from now to the future of 32M games. This is because the 32M can be upgraded absolutely free in the future, if there ever going to be a 32M game. Another thing, this machine can read MGD II file, SMC or SMD file, and Mega disk intercepter file. In another word, it can read all copiers files. It's a small machine no bigger than SNES, easy to use and no need for special formatted disks and can use all IBM formatted disks. I have one and I love it. This is the best machine on the market now. I am also the only person that is selling this machine to the States, because they are so short of this MGH, they can only provide it to Taiwan and Hong Kong buyers. I am in Taiwan, so I have no problem getting anything. I talked to the Makko owner this afternoon and he seems to be a very nice man. I have ordered 20 today, and should be getting them next week. About the same time you receive this newsletter. Fax or call now, or you will be too late. This is all about the copiers now. I am going to get into consoles on this next part of the newsletter. 32bit game system made by HUDSON?????????????? TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE Using 32bit CPU system, it's called HUC 62. It's a half finished product, and it was shown in the 91' CES show. This system can be used like a video tape machine, and it can show very good pictures and just like watching TV. If you saw the MTV by Michael Jackson's "black or white" you would know there is a scene that man change to woman, or woman changes to a child. This system can do the same thing. It sounds like a useless product to me. Cost??? It's unknown, but the HUDSON company said they will try to consider the buyers' wallet. Mega CD: Cost: US$400 (why so much? I don't know, but that it's how much it costs in Taiwan. I know it will only cost $300 in the States) Games: Ranging from US$50-US$60. I have all the games. Wonder Mega: Cost: US$630 A very expensive toy, it's a mega CD with mega drive build in. No need to spend all these money to buy this product. THE END OF THE FIRST EDITION OF HO-WEI'S NEWS LETTER, PLEASE BE EXPECTING THE NEXT EDITION IN TWO WEEKS, I HOPE.....